
Payroll Vault has worked to design a variety of resources and opportunities for today’s accounting professionals. It’s true that accounting firms are becoming more strategic with their suite of professional services, and most are now looking to offload their payroll service offering altogether.

Our goal is to help you align with your future goals and stay focused on the future success opportunities for your accounting firm with our Payroll Vault accounting firm support options, including:

  • Referral Partner with Payroll Vault
  • Plan Your Exit Strategy with Payroll Vault

Payroll Vault has the experience to support both a referral relationship and support an exit strategy specific to your firm. The referral relationship is mutual and provides growth opportunity for the firm and Payroll Vault. Exit opportunities are designed from our years of experience with transactions and subsequent successful payroll service transitions for firms.

If you are ready to explore your options, lets Start the Conversation today, and together we’ll design and plan out your next steps.